Ida-Viru Ettevõtluskeskus

piirkondlik arengumootor

Ida-Viru Creative Fund

Ida-Viru Creative Fund provides support for creative entrepreneurs (sole proprietors and limited liability companies) and non-profit organizations in Ida-Viru, as well as for creative entrepreneurs who have directed their activities to Ida-Viru region.

Initiators: Ministry of Culture and Ida-Viru Enterprise Center.

The fund is open to financiers from both the public and private sectors

Ida-Viru Ettevõtluskeskus logo
Kultuuriministeerium logo
and activities
With the help of the Ida-Viru Creative Fund, we aim to increase social cohesion in Ida-Viru region, strengthen communities, invigorate cultural life, and boost entrepreneurial activity in the culture and creative sectors by attracting additional resources from the private sector.

What does the Ida-Viru Creative Fund do?

We support new cultural and creative economy initiatives in the region.

We support existing cultural and creative economy projects in Ida-Viru region.


What distinguishes the Ida-Viru Creative Fund from other funds?

The fund offers the private sector an opportunity to participate in positive changes in Ida-Viru region.

The Ida-Viru Creative Fund brings together public and private sector financing to collectively empower the culture and creative sectors in Ida-Viru region.


What is co-financed?

The fund finances initiatives by creative economy entrepreneurs as well as civil society initiatives.

Public sector projects are not funded.


Who can apply for support?

Legal entities (non-profit organizations, sole proprietors, limited liability companies) registered in Ida-Viru region or whose activities are directed towards Ida-Viru region can apply for support.

To fill out the application form, click the link  and complete the provided fields. Then, you can download the completed form as a PDF file, which must be digitally signed and uploaded again. You can find instructions for digitally signing files.

We collect donations to support the Creative Fund at:

Account number: EE691010220046839018
Recipient: SA Ida-Viru Ettevõtluskeskus (käesoleval toetusel ei ole maksusoodustust)
Invoice description: Support for the Ida-Viru Creative Fund

*If desired, we will draw up support agreements with companies and other supporters. Please inform us of this request.


Coordinator of the Ida-Viru Creative Fund

Piia Tamm

Viru Filmifondi, Loomeklastri koordinaator

Language of consultation