The tourism cluster led by the Ida-Viru Enterprise Center consists of about 50 partners, of which 8 are municipalities and the rest are organizations and companies providing tourism services. The goal of the cluster is to introduce Ida-Virumaa as a destination worth discovering that offers diverse opportunities, in order to attract new target groups and markets, and to increase the visitation and tourism revenue of Ida-Virumaa.
By the year 2035, Ida-Viru County will be the top tourism destination in Estonia after Tallinn, operating in addition to the Estonian domestic market, also in the Finnish and Latvian markets.
It is to support its members and contribute to their success stories, as well as to market and develop Ida-Viru County as a destination.
The foundation of the cluster’s success
Agreement on the tourism development goals for Ida-Viru County and targeted coordinated activities to achieve these goals.
Based on Ida-Viru County Tourism Cluster’s marketing and product development strategy and plan for 2020-2023.
The tourism cluster was initiated by the strong tourism service providers and municipalities of Ida-Viru in the autumn of 2008.
Turismiklastri turundusjuht
Hanna Villberg
Turismiklastri turundusjuht
Language of consultation
Tourism Coordinator
Kadri Jalonen
Language of consultation
Finnish Market Coordinator
Mikko Virta
Soome turu juht
Language of consultation
Data Management and Digital Visibility Specialist
Kristina Ernits
Turismiinfo konsultant
Language of consultation
Development specialist
Anu Kõrge
Turismiklastri teenindus-arendusjuht