Ida-Viru Ettevõtluskeskus

piirkondlik arengumootor

Ida-Viru Creative Cluster

The Ida-Viru Creative Cluster is a collaborative network established in the autumn of 2021. It brings together creative industry companies, organizations, and individuals in the region with the aim of promoting creative entrepreneurship in the post-industrial Ida-Viru area, thereby giving a boost to cultural and economic life.

The Ida-Viru Creative Cluster stimulates small business entrepreneurship in the county by diversifying job skills, offering fresh business ideas, and promoting the development of future products and services, thereby creating new jobs.

The activities of the cluster also contribute to the fair transition of Ida-Viru and the candidacy of Narva and Ida-Viru for the European Capital of Culture 2036. By bringing new talent and expertise to the region, the cluster’s activities diversify the living environment and encourage the entire country, as well as neighboring countries, to see the region in a new light.

The Ida-Viru Creative Cluster brings together regional creative organizations, local municipalities, and companies in the field. It coordinates the setting of common goals, collective representation, protection of interests, cooperation with national development centers, and the commissioning of sectoral studies. The cluster offers business consulting, training, and engagement events, serving as an incubator and collaborative network for entrepreneurs starting in the creative field. Cluster members, along with sectoral partners and umbrella organizations, also work on the development plan for creative entrepreneurship in the county.

The initiator of the Ida-Viru Creative Cluster is the Ida-Viru Enterprise Center (IVEK) in collaboration with the company Shiftworks OÜ. The cluster’s activities are supported by the Ministry of Finance’s regional development support measure for diversifying business and job skills in Ida-Viru County. The cluster’s partner is the Ministry of Culture.

Ida-Viru Ettevõtluskeskus logo
Shiftworks OÜ logo 160x70
Rahandusministeerium toetab
Kultuuriministeerium logo
and activities

Bringing together regional organizations and companies into a cross-sectoral collaborative network.



Bringing together a network of regional creative entrepreneurs and creating a common database of creative entrepreneurs and organizations operating both in the county and across Estonia.



Organizing network meetings and engagement sessions with the aim of sharing experiences and best practices, as well as gathering information for the county’s creative entrepreneurship development plan.


Raising awareness of the creative economy among creative individuals and companies, as well as in other economic sectors and the general public, through media coverage, marketing, and professional training.


Improving access for Ida-Viru creative entrepreneurs to new funding sources by raising members’ awareness of funding opportunities in both the public and private sectors through relevant training, consultations, and regular newsletters


With the support of the cluster’s activities, the development plan for Ida-Viru creative entrepreneurship will be prepared, guiding the implementation of the creative economy directions outlined in the county’s development strategy.


Coordinator of the Ida-Viru Creative Cluster

Piia Tamm

Viru Filmifondi, Loomeklastri koordinaator

Language of consultation

Ida-Viru Creative Cluster Project Manager

Kersti Liiva

Loomemajanduse projektijuht

Language of consultation