Ida-Viru Ettevõtluskeskus

piirkondlik arengumootor

About us

The Ida-Viru Enterprise Center  was established in 2003.


The Ida-Viru Enterprise Center, with the support of its team, helps clients and partners improve the well-being of the county’s residents.


The Ida-Viru Enterprise Center is a well-known and effective engine of development in Ida-Virumaa, helping to guide the county towards a better future.


To achieve this, we focus on:

  • innovative initiatives, shaping a new entrepreneurial generation,
  • international collaborative networks,
  • and a fair transition from a CO2-rich economic model to a climate-friendly economic model.

COMPETENCE – this encompasses knowledge and skills, their continuous application and development to provide services to our clients and collaborate with our partners. It also includes the ability to balance work and leisure time to offer the best possible service.

OPENNESS means the ability to receive and understand information from external sources, the capacity for continuous learning and flexible response to environmental changes, as well as the willingness to seek and find innovative solutions and the courage to implement them.

EFFECTIVENESS – by this we mean the ability to carry out initiatives with the necessary passion and dedication, the skill to use existing information to predict possible changes, refine goals, and the persistence to achieve those goals.

TRUSTWORTHINESS – ensured by the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to act honestly, amicably, and with respect for human values.