Ida-Viru Ettevõtluskeskus

piirkondlik arengumootor

The goal of the film industry incubator is to promote the creative economy within the audiovisual field.

You can join the 2024 Incubation Program until April 12th.

Capturing each scene is a team effort, no film is made without the background forces behind the scenes!

Are you a film enthusiast or have you already begun your journey in the film world?

Do you work as a photographer, graphic designer, electrician, hairdresser, caterer, seamstress, or perhaps a carpenter? Did you know that many such professions find applications in the film industry too?

Do you wish to expand your professional activities into the field of film?

Do you want to take a step forward and become a costume designer’s assistant, part of the makeup team, a prop maker, a lighting technician, or a post-production producer? Maybe you’re interested in camera work, sound editing, or image compositing? Do you have service experience and are an excellent communicator who would fit perfectly into the location scouting team?

We welcome both beginner and active entrepreneurs and aspiring individuals who wish to start their own businesses to the program. Participating incubatees will receive support for developing their businesses in the form of mentoring, counseling, and training.

Additionally, the incubator program creates an opportunity to connect with a community consisting of entrepreneurs with similar aspirations, enabling them to build connections with professionals in the film production industry.

Our uniqueness lies in the focus on film production, as we are in the process of establishing IDA Hub, a film and multimedia innovation center, where there is a need for capable behind the scenes professionals.

Why should you join?

  • Most of the activities take place online, so participation is possible across Estonia.
  • Communication and information exchange among program participants is conducted in a shared online environment.
  • Each incubatee participating in the program is assigned a mentor based on their needs, who is an expert in the field of film and multimedia.
  • Entrepreneurial consultants are available to support the incubatees, advising them on entrepreneurship topics and providing an outsider’s perspective.
  • The incubation period lasts up to 12 months.
  • The incubator is one of the founders of the establishment IDA Hub Film and Multimedia Innovation Center, where incubatees will have the opportunity to offer their services/products.
  • Incubatees have the opportunity to join a network of similar entrepreneurs.
  • Throughout the program, incubatees acquire basic knowledge of film production, marketing, business planning, and green/circular economy.
  • The shared online platform features a training calendar with consolidated information on workshops, training sessions, and networking events.
  • We provide a place in the database, which we share with film production professionals.
  • Coverage in the incubator’s social media channels.
  • Participation in the incubation program this year is free*, provided that the incubatee completes the entire program. In the event that an incubatee discontinues the program, they are obligated to pay for their participation.*In the following years, there will be a monthly fee associated with the program.


  1. Ensure that you are ready to be an active participant and complete the entire program.
  2. You are at least 18 years old.
  3. You have a business.
  4. If you are applying to the program as an individual, you are ready to establish a company during the program.
  5. You are proficient in Estonian and English.
  6. Submit a letter of motivation.
  7. Fill out the application form.
  8. Be prepared to attend an interview.

Structure and timeline

Recruitment of incubatees
Incubatees accepted
Entrepreneurship Basics Training

The training must be completed by individuals starting out in entrepreneurship and beginner entrepreneurs. It is not mandatory for long-time entrepreneurs.

Basic Training in the Film Industry I
Basic Training in the Film Industry II
First Mentorsession
Second Mentorsession
Group outing

Activities in the incubation program


A film production professional who advises and supports the incubatee.


There are 7 hours throughout the one-year program dedicated to one-on-one meetings between the mentor and the incubatee.


Intensive session day where incubatees meet various mentors and receive topic-specific feedback to develop their businesses.

Interim meetings with the project manager

They occur once a month throughout the entire program, discussing the incubatee’s progress, and if necessary, the incubatee is directed to entrepreneurship consulting for guidance.

Entrepreneurship consultations

On-demand meeting where the consultant assists the incubatee with entrepreneurship topics. Each meeting is scheduled separately.

Activities calendar

It consists of topic-specific webinars, seminar, workshops or confrences offered by various companies and organizations. Participation is based on need, and the calendar includes both paid and free training sessions.

Fundamental seminars

  1. During the basic training for starting entrepreneurs, all participants’ business models are mapped out, a business plan and action plan are prepared, which serves as a useful tool for starting and developing the company. Participants gain initial knowledge of the tools to use when starting a business and receive advice from trainers on issues related to developing their business idea.
  2. During the basic training in film production, participants gain a clear understanding of film production and the industry’s needs for various services and products.


If you wish to join the film production incubation program to develop your business, please fill out the application below.

We will review it and get in touch with you!


    Kandideeriva ettevõte nimetus või eraisiku nimi*

    Ettevõtte registrikood või isikukood*

    Taotluse täitja Eesnimi*

    Taotluse täitja Perekonnanimi*



    Teie elukoht... *


    Kodulehe URL (kui on)

    Facebook/Instagram/LindkedIn (kui on)


    1) Kirjeldage lühidalt oma äriideed, mida soovite inkubatsiooniprogrammi käigus arendada*:

    2) Mitmest inimestest Sinu meeskond koosneb? Milline on nende roll?*

    3) Mis on Sinu ootused inkubatsiooniprogrammile?*

    Kommentaarid, küsimused ja ettepanekud:

    Kuidas kuulsid Filmitööstuse inkubaatoriprogrammist?*


    Coordinator of the Film Industry Incubator Program

    Arendame koos!

    Britta Merirand

    Inkubaatori projektijuht

    Language of consultation




