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  4. Field types

Field types

    < div class="field">[ selct_multiselct selct_multiselct_themes class:uniq_field_class multiple "Ettevõtja" "Alustav ettevõtja" "Noored" "MTÜ" "Korteriühistud" "Investor"]< /div>
    Plus: JS code like in form
    multiple - param allow multiselect choices

    without multiple - same without param allow multiselect choices, single choice

    Title for form use H3

    * if you need padding in 50px
    EXAMPLE: < div class="vc_empty_space_50">< /div>

    Title for form when you use H4

    Title for form when you use H4 with align center

    < h4 class="text-center">Title for form when you use H4 with align center

    TEXT - type field
    lastname - uniq name field for email notification
    * - mantadory field
    placeholder "Perekonnanimi" - Placeholder
    EXAMPLE: [ text* lastname placeholder "Perekonnanimi" ]
    * Use EXAMPLE code without spaces on start and end.

    Data Time - type field use same tag like TEXT only add special class
    class:walcf7-datetimepicker  - class need for detect type like Datatime
    EXAMPLE: [ text* book-date class:walcf7-datetimepicker placeholder "Päev ja aeg" ]

    EMAIL - type field
    EXAMPLE: [ email* email placeholder "E-post" ]

    TEL - type field
    EXAMPLE: [ tel* phone placeholder "Telefon" ]

    TEXTAREA - type field
    EXAMPLE: [ textarea messages placeholder "Kommentaarid" ]

    Have you previously participated in basic training for a startup?
    RADIO - type field
    < div class="form-radio-section">
    < strong>Have you previously participated in basic training for a startup?< /strong>
    [ radio previously-participated use_label_element default:1 "Yes" "No" "I don't know" ]
    < /div>
    * Use EXAMPLE code without spaces on start and end of the tags.
    ** This type must be contained in special class < div class="form-radio-section">

    Please rate the content of the event (1 - very bad; 5 - very good)
    RADIO - type field like rate
    < div class="rate">
    < strong>Please rate the content of the event< /strong>
    < small>(1 - very bad; 5 - very good)< /small>
    [ radio radio-question1 id:question1 use_label_element default:1 "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"]
    < /div>

    ACCEPTANCE - type field
    [ acceptance acceptance-terms default:on] Olen lugenud < a href="/meist/privaatsus/" target="_blank">Tingimusi< /a> ja luban oma isikuandmeid kasutada[/acceptance]
    default:on - param, checked by default
    optional - param, not mantadory: can agree or not
    < /div>

    ACCEPTANCE - type field
    [ acceptance acceptance-subscribe optional] Mul on hea meel saada uudiskirju ja infot Ida-Viru Ettevõtluskeskuselt[/acceptance]
    default:on - param, checked by default
    optional - param, not mantadory: can agree or not
    < /div>

    RESPONSE - show messages, you can use for change place show messages, by default it's show after button submit
    [ response]
